Find Calm in Your Calendar
I help leaders find focus, even during the busiest, most stressful times
Suffer from over-scheduling? Spending too much time in the weeds? Does it seem impossible to find the time and mental space to focus on the big picture things that really matter? It’s not impossible!
I can help you find the time you need for reflection, even during the times where it feels hardest to do that.
Do you suffer from any of these problems:
Your most important work always seems to get delayed by this week’s emergency
You work more than you want to on evenings or weekends
No matter how much you do, it feels like you’re behind
You may think it has to be this way, but it doesn’t.
I can help even the busiest leaders get more done by slowing down.
You can have:
The time, space, and mental calm to work on the things that matter
A sense at the end of the day that your working day is done
The confidence that, at any given moment, you are working on the right thing
“Within the first few minutes of my first call with Misha, he helped me to understand problems that I didn’t even know I had. I was able to reduce my workload by about 10 to 12 hours per week and really to sustain the outcomes that I have been achieving up until that point.
That time that I’ve won back from things I was doing ineffectively, I’m now able to deploy really, really effectively to help grow my business.”
Brooke Struck,
Founder and CEO of Converge
About Misha
For over 20 years I’ve been helping people and companies untangle the problems that stop them from getting the results they want. My expertise is in looking at the often overlooked human dimensions of business problems. You can read more about me and how I work here, or hear more about people I’ve helped.
“Misha provided invaluable help to me in untangling a series of very high stakes work and interpersonal issues. I’ve worked with several advisors and mentors, and Misha’s support was uniquely clear, empathetic, insightful, and most importantly actionable and effective. He does a remarkable job of combining the emotional and the practical.”
Kathryn Devaney, PhD, Co-Founder of The Berkeley Alembic Foundation
“Misha really helped me focus, to shed the stuff that I didn't need to work on, and really embrace the stuff that I need to do. This has a real impact on my business.”
Chris Clearfield, CEO and Co-Founder of Clearfield Group
“Things that have felt blocked, things that have felt insurmountable, he can help you as an organization quickly get over the hump and move forward and build momentum.”
Mark Surman, President of Mozilla
“Misha has a great skill for a calm, probing energy that gets to the heart of the matter quickly.”
Jon Lupfer, Owner and Manager of Q Division Studios
“Misha helps untangle business problems by solving the deeper people issues…and vice-versa. He's got a light and sure touch, a big brain, and a way of sparking both insight and action that is unique.”
Michael Bungay Stanier, Best-Selling Author of The Coaching Habit
“If you are running a business, you should talk to Misha. If you have even a short call with him, you'll learn something huge you didn't even know you needed to learn."
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Economist & NYT best-selling author of “Don’t Trust Your Gut”
Ready to transform your work-life?
Get started today!
I can also help with…
Transform Your Team into Independent Problem-Solvers
Stop putting out other peoples’ fires. Free up your time and mental space to focus on the big picture things that really matter.
Giving & Getting Feedback
You can’t solve problems if you can’t talk about them. There is a cost to conflict avoidance, and it's killing your team's potential.
Leadership Coaching
Leadership is challenging. You don’t have to go it alone. I can help you get where you’re going faster
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